A review by jacki0486
The Escape Room by Megan Goldin


I love escape rooms, so I was excited by the premise of this book... I was sadly disappointed.

The novel switches back and forth between the present action in third person, to the past which is narrated in first person by one of the characters. It’s a bit of a jarring transition.

It’s pretty clear that it’s a revenge story right from the outset, but it doesn’t really give away the ‘why’ behind the the revenge until late in the book. And quite frankly, the amount of time and effort put into the revenge plot by the perpetrator is pathetic... I just wanted to scream at the character, “Stop being a victim and get on with your life!!!”

My biggest issue with this book was that it dragged on. There were moments where it was great, but those moments were so far apart that it wasn’t really worth it. The entire story could have been condensed into a heart-pounding short story or novella and had a much greater impact. Instead, the author drones on for 300 pages about things that don’t add to the story at all, before finally getting to the good stuff.