A review by rikkdante
The Sane Society by Erich Fromm


Still very relevant, possibly even more so today, which says something about how we have evolved as societies since the 50s when it was published. It formed the base for my Master's dissertation, and opened me up to a bold and different viewpoint from which to reconsider myself and others in society. Its proposal for a reintroduction of 'ritual' time/places in our lives, so as to honour , acknowledge and allow the expression of the chaos and 'madness' that are part of every human's condition, though very embryonic is I think exactly what we desperately need today. Apart from a couple of passages which are the results of a certain cultural close-mindedness of its time (an embarrassingly demeaning paragraph about homosexuality for example...!), it's the kind of book that can still offer a lot, and that should really find a second life among all those even remotely interested in the directions we could take in the future as human societies.