A review by lindagreen
Candy by Terry Southern


First off let me say: if you don’t have a sense of humor or are sexually repressed then don’t read this book. You’ll be offended and that’s not fair to the author or you as a reader. I had surprisingly never heard of this book when I came across an ARC galley of it. Apparently it is being re-released and I can’t comment on whether the text of the 2011 copy is the same as the original and/or an altered edition. On to the review.

I laughed out loud at parts of this book. I just kept thinking over and over: “geez, how hard can it be to lose your virginity??” The scenes are crazy outlandish (as they are intended to be) but have a root of realism to them. For instance, while the Professor scene is amusing to read, we all know that things like that can and have occurred. Candy’s innocence was hysterical to behold because, as with the scenes, you can see threads of a dozen different people you know (the prissy, the charming, the needy, the loving daughter, the curious student) but when they are all combined into a singular character everything becomes all the more amusing.