A review by travelsalongmybookshelf
seven years: poems on heartbreak and healing by Alyssa Harmon


Some people say that each cell in your body replaces itself after seven years. At the end of the seven years, you are a physically and mentally new person. This collection of poems is about heartbreak and healing. Each chapter represents a new stage in the relationship and healing process, and these poems tell the story of a failed relationship and the healing journey that resulted because of that.

I don’t often read and review poetry it has to be said, but I enjoyed this debut collection from Alyssa Harmon. There is a journey to be followed through a relationship, some things I recognised, some I didn’t, but that is relationships for you. I liked the flow of the poems and the connections between them, they clearly mean a lot to the writer. You can feel the power and force of the words lift from the page at times, at others I just smiled with recognition or gasped with the punch to the gut just knowing that feeling.

A great little debut collection, that if you’ve experienced heartbreak you will recognise so much, honest and truthful, a little gem.

Thank you to Alyssa and Booksirens for my copy of this poetry collection to review