A review by anushanarasimhan
No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!, Volume 10 by Nico Tanigawa


Imagine a Shoujo with a female lead who is painfully shy and awkward. You would naturally expect that she would have a tragic (or utter nonsensical) back story that made her that way. There would be the hottest guy in school who is most likely also an arrogant jerk. If he is a brat, there would be a backstory that tries to convince us that he may look cold, but he is actually a nice guy. He would be Mr.Popular and all the girls would have a crush on him, but he would obviously fall head over heels in love with our female lead. They would start dating and then his friends become her friends too. Slowly, she would learn to trust people. Some obstacles to their relationship may be present, which they would overcome and be together happily ever after. This is not that manga!

Here, the female lead is extremely shy, painfully awkward and perverted, but there are none of the above cliches. Our heroine, Tomoko, is the classroom outcast because of her personality. Even when people try to talk to her, she finds it hard to reply. This manga is all about her misadventures on trying to fit in, hoping to find love and becoming popular.

This manga was hilarious. I wonder how the author managed to make me laugh, feel sorry for Tomoko and root for her, all at the same time.