A review by kate2440
Chosen Ones (Lost Souls, Book One) by Tiffany Truitt


When I first came across this book I thought it sounded and looked good so I knew I had to read it. So a big thanks goes out to Entangled Publishing for giving me the opportunity to review this book as I really enjoyed reading it

I actually started out not liking this book and thinking not another Dystopian book that just doesn't work for me. It was so confusing to start with and I just didn't know what was going on which did take a while for things to actually to sink in and get what was happening. Also it was a little slow paced but by the time I got to the end I start to realize things was happening from the beginning I just didn't realize.

Once I did get into the book it was a completely different story for me as I was so enthralled that I just wanted to read the next chapter before putting it down. Even when it was put down I would still be thinking about it, thinking what is going to happen now?, How will they get out of this predicament. I even dreamt about the world that Tiffany Truitt created! That's just how well Truitt has written this book that I can actually visualize this world.

To start with I wasn't that keen on Tess's character as she seemed too selfish however, by the end of the book I was rooting for her which I think is down to the fact we learn more about her character with each chapter and it made me understand the way she was. I loved James he was different to the other Chosen Ones he was sweet and gentle and would do anything for Tess. He was also a strong fighter and would try and protect anyone he could. I just hope he stays that way through out the series. I did feel sorry for him at times especially when Tess was mean to him. The chemistry between them both was sizzling it really did pop out of the book.

Overall a slow and confusing start but a strong and powerful ending I can't wait to find out what is going to happen next.