A review by sonja_ahrb
Banking the Billionaire by Max Monroe


I have been DYING for this book ever since I read Tapping the Billionaire. It seems Max and Monroe have created quite a stir in the romance world. And all the hype, the mystery surrounding their identity? Who flipping cares when they're putting out funny and sexy Rom coms like this one?! Because all that matters is the book. I'm not even the least bit curious anymore. Nope. Haha, I'm totally lying. I want to know who they are too!

With hashtags floating around like #IdThatchThat and the freaking awesome names Cassie comes up with in the book, I have to say this one us one helluva hilarious, hot ride. Because these two have so much chemistry, I was waiting for my kindle to spontaneously combust. And the story? Well it's hella amazeballs. This book has some of the best banter and dialogue I've ever had the pleasure to read. And I read a lot.

It seems our mystery authors have another bona fide hit on their hands. I am completely and utterly hooked on this Billionaire Bad Boys series. Bring on the novella, Max. Hopefully I won't be cursing you out after I finish it. I jumped on the bandwagon with the first book. Now I want to be the fan club president.

~ Lia, 5 Stars