A review by megan531
Okay, Universe: Chronicles of a Woman in Politics by Valérie Plante, Delphie Côté-LaCroix


A very quick read that is based on the author's experience getting into local politics.

I wish she wouldn't have given the main character a different name/details and would literally have just based it on her experiences rather than it being "sort of" autobiographical.

I also felt it often stayed at surface level for the most part. Even the struggles felt brief and easily resolved, like when she couldn't raise enough during the campaign. She also touched on how some people got very opinionated and irate with her about what should/shouldn't be done in the community, but it was just kinda glossed over as a "girl power" moment where she went on talk radio and realized she had to stand up for people. The book ends when
she gets elected so we never get to see how see does or doesn't follow through with any of her promises. The day to day job of a local politician is something that is somewhat of a question mark to me, so I would have been interested to see beyond the campaign. It was like she just wanted to wrap it up with an optimistic bow.

That said, I do feel like it was a relatively interesting, if too brief portrait of a woman getting her start in politics and the gender stereotypes/power structures she is up against. It's weird to think of just being a "normal" citizen one day and being plucked from that to the public eye (she simply had her name suggested because of community involvement).