A review by pbraue13
Murder in the Mews by Agatha Christie


Overall a fun collection!

"Murder in the Mews" - 5/5 stars
This novella gives the play of murder disguised as suicide a wonderful "Christie treatment" and awesome twist! Its early proof of her ingenuity at ringing the changes on a clichéd plot. This ploy remains a handbook in the detective story writing technique with the main clue brought to the readers attention again and again. Set on Guy Fawkes night gives this novella a believability that is astounding and you are behind the perpetrator 100%!

"The Incredible Theft" - 4/5
Basically this story is Christie making fun of politics and the ridiculousness of politicians and the lengths they go to to get what they want.

"Dead Man's Mirror" - 4/5
Here begins her affair with mirrors as from her on they factor in titles of several of her books and stories. This is a murder that I am completely behind the perpetrator on and the implied end of the murderer is heartbreaking.

"Triangle at Rhodes" - 5/5
Poor Poirot. He can't even go on vacation without people dropping dead. This story is evocative of the future "Evil Under the Sun" and does a nice twist on the cliché trop of the cheating husband and suffering wife trope. The end shocked me!