A review by alsc17
Soaring Earth: A Companion Memoir to Enchanted Air by Margarita Engle


Title: Soaring Earth
Author: Margarita Engle
Release Date: February 26, 2019
Genre: Poetry, YA, Memoir
People of Color?: Yes
Bechdel Test: Yes
Trigger Warning:s: No explicit violence.

Disclaimer: I received Soaring Earth in exchange for an honest review. Visit here at FierceFemaleReads for more.

Margarita loves living in the paradise of Cuba, but her family unexpectedly moves to dark and lonely Los Angeles. The Cuban Revolution has restricted all travel to Cuba and she must make peace with her American home. She wants to travel and find new paradises, but the realities of being a high school student keep her grounded. She is distracted by first love and other new experiences. The poetry paints such a vivid and emotional pictural that I feel as if I've stepped into Engle's world. I love her journey of empowerment through education. She struggles with huge concepts, such as war, peace, and love while the Vietnam War hits close to home. We leave her as a young adult. I hope there will be a third installment where we follow Engle's young adult life!

The work is suitable for teens and up and I would recommend it for anyone who loves poetry or just the memoir genre in general!