A review by that_crazy_fangirl
The Candle and the Flame by Nafiza Azad


Wow. The cover, the world building, the romance, the cover, the characters, the way the story is written and plays out… also, did I mention the cover?!?
GORGEOUS. BEAUTIFUL. SPECTACULAR. MAGNIFICENT. I could continue listing words to describe the cover, but honestly I don’t think there are enough words in any language to describe just how magnificent I think it is. It really is amazing.
Of course, I didn’t just rate this book 5 stars for the cover alone. (Honestly, though, even if I did, could you really blame me?) I genuinely enjoyed all the world building the author did, the characters and the story. If you don’t have this on your tbr, you better change that right now. This is a great book and I honestly can’t imagine anyone not enjoying it. It definitely deserves a 5 star rating