A review by thelieberts
残次品 [Can Ci Pin | Imperfections] by priest


This is not an exaggeration and i'm not even lying. This book is the masterpiece of the century, there is no lack at all in this book. All characters are interesting, the plot are the most amazing plot i ever encounter, even the props like pace, items, knowledge, etc are GOD TIER. As an engineering student myself, i appreciate the technological big role in this book. This is super great, super interesting, super amazing, a masterpiece, an art, an art that worth to be in the museum.

REALLY. I LOVE HOW the author describe the mech and its mental network, the starship, transfer portal etc, and of course the Eden and biochips. Really, that was super interesting, super unique, super 100 and super surpassing other technology in other science fiction books i read (You see, Eden reminds me a lot with Neuralink and i think Elon Musk should definitely read this as the first warning). Also hey, Priest. Would you mind if i use Eden or Mech's mental network or the transfer portal when i do research for my thesis? Say yes if you agree. :>

Also; don't get me started with the characters. First of all, Lu Bixing. VERY AMAZING. VERY LOVEABLE. THE AIR IN THE EMPTY SPACE AND THE WATER IN AN ENDLESS DESERT. REALLY, he is someone that i'd date in a second. And Lin Jingheng, too. OH MY GOD,,, THEIR DYNAMIC. AND DONT GET ME STARTED WITH LIN JINGSHU. Best villain ever. Ever. Ever. Even small supporting roles like Monoeye Hawk (best dad), the four student, Saturday (but i hate him to death at the end of book 4 i wish he d!ed) are having their own color and shining through it.

Really... Most amazing book i ever read. Really. Really.