A review by niki_reads_romance
Bonded and Betrothed by Rachel Callahan


I LOVE a good shifter romance! A shifter romance AND the female lead has multiple mates? SIGN ME UP! Really though, I enjoyed this book quite a lot. Skylar, the FMC, returns home after many years away from her pack. Now filling the role of Alpha of the Draven pack following her father’s murder, she is also thrown into a conflict with a sleuth of bears who are looking for revenge. On top of that, a tentative alliance with another pack and throw some mates into the mix and you’ve got yourself an action-packed steamy romance!

There was very little downtime in the book and I was very much okay with that! Even the quieter moments between Skylar and her mates, they still felt like a lot was happening; sort of heavy with a lot of the questions still up in the air between them, the sexual tension (and there was A LOT of it!), or just the need between them. Skylar had a lot to balance: trying to do what was best for her pack, getting settled back into pack life, handling her anger about the deal made without her knowledge AND the grief regarding her father’s murder, her feelings about her mates and how they may affect her future, and also how to stop a potential war with the bear shifters (and they’re very creepy leader). She is pretty badass character as far as I’m concerned. From the get-go she stood her ground, even if on the inside she was struggling. She was not going to let anyone push her around or keep her from a fight despite being thrown into the deep end almost immediately upon her return to her pack.

The guys, all strong in their own right, immediately want nothing more than to be in her life and they work hard to show her she should let them in. While I’m normally a fan of the full-on alpha behavior in these situations, which they definitely did at certain points, it was a little refreshing to have them really work for here even while she was pushing them away at times.

I had a bit of anxiety at the end and I cannot wait to read the next book. Although I have a feeling, I’m in line to just have MORE anxiety.

Quick Notes: