A review by jamies_shelves
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas



This is just going to be some very chaotic thoughts. There will be spoilers.

I really liked this book, but didn't love love it. There were parts I did, then others I was bored.

I was one of the few who hated the ending of HoSaB and I feel justified tbh. I think the entire first part with Bryce in Prythian was boring as fuck. I love Nesta so it was fun to see her and parts were funny, but so much just dragged on. And I feel like it would've actually been more fun for her to have gone to Hel and be training and amassing an army. I also feel like it has to kind of impact ACOTAR since Nesta now has the star sword which bothers me.

I really enjoyed the beginning plot of everyone else though! It was so sad seeing Ruhn, Hunt, and Baxian go through what they did. But not gonna lie, I BURST out laughing when The Hawk used Ruhn's severed hand to give him the middle finger behind Rigelus' back.

I was also very into Ithan, Flynn, Dec, Marc, and Lidia trying to save them.

I feel like a lot of the plots in this book just happened so quickly. Like Ithan saving his man by killing Sigrid, then trying to raise her and it failing, and becoming Prime. Just a lot.

I do love that Ithan is prime though and him seeing Connor??!?! I WAS BAWLING. Just wanting to make his brother proud and then Connor telling him he was proud. STAHP.

And speaking of Ithan.... Ithan and Tharion are IN LOVE and I just need them to bang already. Like they're so clearly obsessed with each other and meant to be. I need it.

I like his wife enough, but nahhh they need a divorce. Let her save her friend and be with him. And let Ithan pick up the pieces.

Once Bryce got back to her world I loved her and I found her so funny in this book. Really made me love her a lot more than I had.

I'm very interested in Ariadne and what's going on there.

I loved Lidia and her relationship with her sons! She's SUCH a badass. When she told Ruhn he didn't deserve her story.... DAMNNNNN. I do love them together though.

I cried a lot when Bryce saw Danika and Connor and it makes me happy that they do get to have an afterlife and that Bryce, Ithan, and Baxian will meet up with them again one day. It crushes my heart that Baxian lost his mate. I wish we got to see him and Danika together. THAT'S the bonus content I want from SJM.

I think it's very sweet that Jesiba basically waited to be willing to trade her life for Bryce's. Clearly by this point we know that SJM bringing characters back from the dead is her MO but it's getting tiring. And I'm someone that NEVER wants a character to die and fully HEAs. But then don't tease that they're dead.