A review by rhiannonneill
Still Bleeding by Steve Mosby


Sarah Pepper's body is missing after her boyfriend killed her in a drunken rage. He can only vaguely recall where he left her, although police soon find the place. But someone else got there first. Sarah's body has been taken....
This was my pick for bookshelf raiders February theme of a book with two words in the title and I'm so glad I picked it up! I was expecting this to be like any other regular crime thriller book that are very much my confort reads, but what I actually got was a little something more. There was an originality to the actual crime and storyline which was a breath of fresh air and threw up some unexpected twists and tutns throughout the book
Normally in a stand alone crime novel it can be hard for the characters to feel real and developed enough within the actual plot itself, as there isn't going to be a sequel for them to grow in, but this isn't a problen in Still Bleeding. Mosby managed to write the characters in a way that made me feel like I really got to know them without taking away from the actual story
There was a couple of things that I didn't quite click with. Although I love a book written with multiple points of view, it was sometimes a little difficult to distinguish which character was narrating at tje start of a chapter and the ending left a little too many loose ends that I would have liked to have seen tied up, but that's just down to my personal preference
That being said, the actual ending and conclusion itself was very well thought out and I certainly didn't work out what had happened. This is definitely one for fans of crime thrillers that are on the gorier side and a little bit different than normal 4⃣⭐