A review by rebeccalm
But What If We're Wrong?: Thinking about the Present as If It Were the Past by Chuck Klosterman


"I'm ready for a new tomorrow, but only if it's pretty much like yesterday."

This book is an interesting look at one person's view of the world and how it will all be perceived in the distant future. The author is specific about some things and vague about others, but has a distinct idea that whatever we think now, people will not be thinking the same things a hundred or a thousand years from now.

It's quite safe to assume the future will be unimaginable, especially considering the leaps and bounds we've come in even the past 100 years. People have been born into eras where items they use every day by the time they pass away hadn't even been thought of when they were born. Advancements in general knowledge, science, and new technologies are developing at increasingly fast speeds, yet whenever we stop to think about the future it typically looks quite similar to today. People who have wild and crazy notions of change are seen as being wild and crazy themselves, no one takes it seriously until we look back on our history and realize 'that person was totally right about this, how did no one think to listen?'

This book seems compiled of many different, yet similarly themed, ramblings. It's a fun distraction and I always like to be challenged in my thoughts about the world - interesting and a very quick read.