A review by sc104906
Going Off Script by Jen Wilde


I received this eARC through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Finally, Bex has graduated and is getting out of her unfortunate hometown. She is leaving behind the high school bullies and going to Hollywood for an writing internship on her favorite tv show. Bex wants to be her true self, even with her cousin Parker, who she is reuniting with in Hollywood. While he has been out for years, Bex is also gay, but she finds it difficult coming out of the closet because she doesn't want it to seem like is constantly following in his footsteps.

Bex quickly learns that the tv set isn't going to be a walk in the park. The show runner, Malcolm, is a complete jerk who treats Bex like crap. He even steals an episode she wrote and acted like it was his. In the episode, Bex created one of the first canonical queer romances in the show's history and she will stop at nothing to keep this much needed romance. Bex quickly finds sparks flying between her and the actress, Shurpty. Bex is going to need to stand up for herself and speak her truths if she is going to survive Hollywood.

Overall, interesting premise. I felt that Bex was more passive than I really hoped for, though the ending did allow her to shine. However, the last fourth of the book was problematic for me because it wasn't realistic in that, everything that Bex needed/wanted to happen somehow magically (though not through actual magic) happened. It was solid fluffy book. It could easily stand with the many other books that have the same premise.