A review by alishaduh
Girlhood by Cat Clarke


Oh my goodness gracious me, this book!

Genuinly, this book was so so good, I'm definitley going to be thinking about it for quite some time to come.

The story's about a girl, Harper, who goes to boarding school and has a set friendship group (Lily, Ama & Rowan) until the new girl, Kirsty Connor turns up.

For me personally, I felt as if the drama that went on in the book and the sly & sneaky way Kirsty went about things was all way too real, it threw me right back in to secondary school and I definitely felt as if I could relate to Harper in some way. But as well as teen drama it's also a book about friendship, strained friendships at that. The friendships in the book took a very interesting turn throughout the story and I adored it, I appreciate the way Cat Clarke made sure to still keep the caring nature of the girls about each other, with the exclusion of Kirsty of course, throughout what was happening.

Only a few niggles though, one being that I felt it didn't tie up everything nicely at the end- we had the scene with all the girls consoling each other and things getting back but, especially after the scene with Marcy, Kirsty & Harper, I really wanted to find out more about Kirsty's feelings but sadly we didn't get to see that. I also wanted to find out a bit more about how the friendships resolved after what happened but hey ho.