A review by gryzzlbox
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince


If you can hang in there to page 240, where the book quickly wraps up and redeems itself in some ways, there are some gems of snark and storytelling througout. As someone who somewhat relates, and felt more "boylike" as a child, but never labeled myself a tomboy or anything else, it irks me when those who think they are challenging gender "norms" are perpetuating caricaturish stereotypes further by enforcing "girl things" and "boy things." Girl things being make up, dresses, shopping, pink, and boy things as reptiles, video games, tanks, etc. Here's my version of a culturally conventional "girl thing": having two x chromosomes. A culturally conventional "boy thing" is holding your penis in your hand while you pee. I do wish the revelation could have come sooner for the author, and am naively still surprised/disappointed these attitudes persisted among people 30 years ago, much less today. An easy choice that opens itself for a book club discussion.