A review by shamelesslyintroverted
Text for You by Sofie Cramer

Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
I’ve been meaning to read this ever since I heard about its adaptation being released. However, I was terrified of the premise because it hits close to home. 

♥️ After a heated argument, Clara’s fiancé leaves in a huff and doesn’t come back. He passes away that night and as a coping mechanism, she starts texting his number. The thing is, his number has been recycled to someone else. ♥️

That feeling on page 14 when she first hits send sent shivers down my spine because I’ve been there. Instead of texting him, I wrote him letters. 

I watched my high school sweetheart die in December of 2017. We were married for almost five years and together for ten. He was 23. After he died, I started writing him letters on a blog as a coping mechanism. I’m not sure this is the story to read right now with the anniversary around the corner, but here we are.

❌ DNF ❌

I decided to DNF at 25%. I was really excited about this book because of the shared living experience, but it’s so bad. I hate the love interest, which is the whole reason I picked it up. 

The premise is adorable, but the writing is very tell-not-show and the characters are unlikable. The main character refers to spirituality as new age bullshit and it was frustrating to read. Just not for me.