A review by philomath_in_phila
The Book Binder's Daughter by Jessica Thorne


I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Sophie is an average woman in a controlling relationship with a good job. Her dreams, however, are fantastical, full of wonders. When offered a job at the Ayredale Library, which holds the finest collection of rare books in the world, the place she grew up, and the place her mother disappeared from, she jumps at the chance. She is reintroduced to a world she had forgotten, as does anyone who leaves the library. Not everyone is as they seem, and she is in danger. Determined to find out what happened to her mother and keep the library safe, Sophie does whatever it takes.

Jessica Thorne's latest, The Bookbinder's Daughter, is an entertaining read. Parts were confusing, but I thought Thorne's writing style was appropriate because I felt as Sophie felt - confused and unsure. Once everything became clear to Sophie, everything was written straightforwardly.

The characters were likable, the setting was a magic library, making the book an enjoyable and quick read. How can you not love a magical library?

According to Goodreads, Thorne writes fantasy and sci-fi romance with a steampunk edge.

I added Thorne's The Queen's Wing, the first in her The Queen's Wing series, to my want-to-read list.

This 200-word review will be published on Philomathinphila.