A review by jaredkwheeler
The Shattered Peace by Jude Watson


Star Wars Legends Project #50

Background: The Shattered Peace came out in October 2000. It was written by [a:Jude Watson|11912|Jude Watson|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1403530689p2/11912.jpg].

The Shattered Peace begins not long after [b:The Fight for Truth|359824|The Fight for Truth (Star Wars Jedi Apprentice, #9)|Jude Watson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1394310078s/359824.jpg|349941] (my review), 44 years before the Battle of Yavin and 12 years before The Phantom Menace. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are the only recurring characters, though the book also deals extensively with the events of The Defenders of the Dead (my review) and the fallout that followed.

Summary: Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sent to the planets of Rutan and Senali to defuse a looming crisis. A fragile peace between them is maintained by an exchange of royal children between the planets, but now Leed, the future ruler of Rutan, is refusing to come home, and his father King Frane is convinced that he has been coerced. If the two Jedi cannot get to the bottom of it, the worlds will be plunged into war.

Review: The title of this book is somewhat misleading, but The Not-Quite-Shattered Peace doesn't have a great ring to it. Very few pages go by in this story without someone mentioning the looming threat of war, but there is no war, and very little action, at any point in the book. Actually, I was concerned that this would feel like more going-through-the-motions filler after the last story, but I was pleasantly surprised. This is more of a nice change of pace from many of the previous stories, showing that not every Jedi Apprentice book has to be built around nonstop action.

As we already knew, Watson can accomplish a lot with quieter character moments, and I think Qui-Gon shines in this book more than any of the others. It's been a long journey, but he's finally emerging as the character we see in The Phantom Menace, with his unflappable calm and wise insight, but also (finally) a strong bond of trust with Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan isn't quite there yet, but he's still a kid, and his occasional insecurity no longer feels like Qui-Gon's fault for being withholding.

I feel like even less happened in this book than in the last book, but I minded less because the world-building was much stronger. Sure the cultures don't necessarily make a lot of sense (Rutan in particular feels like something out of Malory), but they feel thought-out and lived-in in a way that Kegan totally didn't. Also, it was interesting to see Qui-Gon confront problems by uttering a few gentle words and then stepping back to give it time instead of having his hand forced followed by lightsabers and Jedi mind tricks. We still get some of that here, but it feels fairly inconsequential.

I was actually wondering if there would be any action at all, when something happened right around the halfway marked that felt like a totally perfunctory, "Oh, we should probably have something exciting happen just about now to complicate the plot." But then it totally came back around again in the climax in a way I never saw coming. For that matter, I never saw the climax coming. Everything seemed to have resolved itself very neatly, but there were still a couple dozen pages to go, and then, "Surprise!"

The secondary characters felt more likable and interesting than they normally do, as well, which is a shame as I'm fairly certain this is a total one-off and we'll never see or hear from them again. I'd almost like to hear more about what happens next with them, but there's probably not really a story of any consequence there. Oh, well. I'll just have to be content with what I got, and go to sleep dreaming of a vacation on the Island Paradise Planet of Senali.