A review by ctorretta
Born Confused by Tanuja Desai Hidier


Just when you thought it was safe to read and was all pink bubbly and cutesy, all hell breaks loose!

I really like how this started. I was curious about Dimple Lala right away and her narration of this is beautiful, albeit a bit wordy. But she is just an amazing gal going through what all of us do at at least one point in our lives, figuring out who the frock she is! (Frock may now be my new fav go to non curse word!)

Just turning 17 her family is in a world over their heads. The fact that they had also moved to America from India makes them doubt all of their decisions for their daughter. She is not Indian but she is also not American. Makes for some difficult situations for the entire family and friends. But Dimple gets through her crazy life just like all teenagers do, by chugging right along. She has a tenacity and strength, even when she's down and feels like she's being kicked in the teeth.

There were some parts of the plot that I felt were a little long and then there are some excruciating points that Dimple has to get through. She finds herself feeling betrayed and I can see why! Gwyn was another main character who went through all of the ups and downs with Dimple but sadly I couldn't find myself loving Gwyn. More often than not I wondered what type of friend would put Dimple into the situations she does! My feeling for her is like a love hate relationship!

Other than feeling a bit wordy the plot was contagious. Mostly sweet with some dark, learning spots for both Dimple and Gwyn. I want to say I loved every word but man is Dimple a wordy girl. Kind of ironic for me since I am as well...

Need something a bit different and cultural? Pick this one up!