A review by crowyhead
Saga of the Swamp Thing: Book Five by Alan Moore, Rick Veitch, John Totleben


Originally read in 2006, re-read June 2015.

In this moving installment, Swamp Thing returns from saving the universe (with the help of John Constantine and others) to find that his lover is being held in Gotham on immoral conduct charges (basically, folks in her home town found out that she was in a relationship with the big green guy). What follows is an awe-inspiring confrontation, as Swamp Thing unleashes the full strength of his powers on Gotham. At first I found it a little jarring when Batman shows up, simply because the other DC characters don't show up too often in the series, but it works -- he's not just a celebrity cameo. The final story in the collection, "My Blue Heaven," is both wonderfully written and spectacularly colored. Because of the printing processes used then, I often find that the coloring in older comics doesn't quite do the story justice. In this case, and in the case of all of the Swamp Thing run, however, Tatjana Wood's work looks truly masterful.