A review by bookbae96
Banged: Rock Stars, Bad Boys & Dirty Deeds by Lexxie Couper, Ainsley Booth, Shari Slade, Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott, Amber Lin, Elizabeth Briggs, Zara Keane, Madelynne Ellis


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PAINKILLER by Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliott

Evie Pierce, aka, Hummingbird. Johnny Cage, lead singer for Rebel Rage. Both are broken. Both are driven. Both have demons. Neither one is looking for their missing piece, but when their orbits intersect, they may not have any choice in the matter.

Evie has created herself. Leaving behind a past of privilege, she has fashioned a life for herself among the world of MMA fighting. Dubbed Hummingbird, she's on the road to a comeback after losing almost everything that makes her who she is now. Fierce, determined, and unafraid to speak her mind, Evie won't let anybody hold her down. Enter Johnny Cage, front man for the band Rebel Rage, and alpha to the max. He's lost his muse, and the words and music are harder to come by these days. He's fighting demons of his own, but when Evie bursts into his world, staying away from her is not an option.

For the love of all things hot, Oh.My.Word. Taryn Elliott and Cari Quinn have written many a panty-melting read, but this may be the hottest yet. I mean, just, dang. I'm still fanning myself, and it's been days since I finished! PAINKILLER has jumped to the top of my steamiest reads, oh, ever, but definitely any time recently, and that's saying something. If hot rockers with an alpha bent, strong opinionated women who know what they want and are not afraid to take it, and scenes guaranteed to warm you WAY the heck up are what you're looking for, you have to add PAINKILLER and the rest of the stories in this collection to your TBR. 5+ sexy, sassy, action-packed, cliffhangery stars for this one. Hurry up, ladies, I need more Evie and Johnny, stat!

***ARC graciously provided by the authors for an honest review.***