A review by readfrenzy
Big Rock by Lauren Blakely


I can pretty much sum up my review in five words. I. Effing. Loved. This. Book. I wasn’t sure I would like it because I’m not into covers with mostly naked men—shocking, I know. I always feel like they’re overcompensating for a small…plot. And really the basis of the story isn’t anything deep or even original. Best friends pretend to be a couple, but eventually they cross the line between pretending and genuinely feeling something more. The End. Right? Except not so much in this case.

In this story the playboy, Spencer, isn’t a douche. He’s just a genuinely a nice guy that tries to do the right thing for those he loves. His cockiness is humorous, and he’s hot as hell both in and out of the bedroom. Sorry hubby, but if Spencer was real and polygamy was legal, I’d totally marry him in a heartbeat.

There’s a reason—albeit a rather impulsive and excessive one—for their ruse. I liked that there’s a quick-ish buildup of sexual tension, but not an abrupt let’s have sex because I’m suddenly in love with you transition. Spencer knows the stakes are fairly high if their arrangement ends badly because Charlotte is not only his best friend, she’s also his business partner.

I’ve got to say I adored Charlotte. It’s wonderful to have a smart, sexy, and honest heroine. There’s no b.s. or melodrama with her, and Spencer doesn’t play any games either. They are straightforward with their feelings, and those emotions spill over into some off the charts chemistry. They seriously heat up the sheets, but there’s also a lot of playfulness between these longtime friends that had me smiling from ear to ear. The side plot involving Spencer’s dad and his business deal is entertaining as well.

The story is told entirely by Spencer, and I have to give a shout out to Lauren Blakely for writing from the male point of view so convincingly. This friends to lovers romance has heart, heat, and humor. It’s a refreshing twist on a common trope, and it hit all the right notes with me.

Recommended for fans of:
Male POV stories
Friends to lovers romance
Lighthearted romantic comedy
Steamy sexy times

Reading Frenzy Book Blog

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