A review by sdertinger
The Dream Weaver by Reina Luz Alegre


Twelve-year-old Zoey has been living with her dreamer father and soon-to-be college brother, José. Her Mami passed away at a few years ago due to a heart attack. So having any kind of girl around has been non-existent. Her father is a dreamer because he is constantly tackling new opportunities and chasing jobs that don't really turn in his favor. Her brother is chasing his dream too of becoming an engineer and going to college. Meanwhile, Zoey, she isn't sure what her dream is at the moment. They move often because of Zoey's dad always finding a new job, but they are in California living with her Poppy who is also a dreamer—he still own's his own bowling alley.

Well, everything changes when her dad announces that he has a new job and it's across the United States in New York City... This makes Zoey feel strange because yes, she is excited for him, but she also doesn't want him to leave her alone and she doesn't want to move. She is finally making friends that are GIRLS and she is starting to feel like this could be home. While her dad leaves for his new motorcycle dealership job, Zoey underestimates that hard work that it will take to help her Poppy. Her Poppy has less than a week until his bowling alley will be foreclosed. He is behind on the mortgage and he is giving up. Luckily, Zoey creates a huge plan to help save the bowling alley with her friends who are on a bowling league. There are many ups-and-downs, but Zoey is determined to fight for her Poppy, and for herself, especially when her dad wants her to move again.

Such a heartfelt story about a girl who comes to the realization that she is indeed confident, she can be who she wants to be, so many people genuinely care about her, she can have more than one dream at a time, & everything is going to be okay.