A review by bookaddict827
The 24 Hour Dating Agency by Mary Jayne Baker


Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus/Aria for the ARC of this book!

Saffie doesn’t seem to have any luck in the dating department, and feels like she’ll be eternally single. She works at a magazine called The Throstler. Her boss and friend, Tamara, and co-worker and friend, Milo, also feel like they will be eternally single. Tamara is divorced with two teenage twins and a five year old little girl. Milo feels that he’s already met all the men in the town and there’s no one new left to meet. The three of them decide to try a new 24 hour dating agency – where instead of going on dates across many months, you go on one date for 24 hours. The success rate is 100% with a find your soulmate money back guarantee. Have they met their soulmates, or is a secret one of them is keeping bound to work against their favor?

This was a very cute, flirty read. There were so many times in the book I felt myself smiling along with the characters. I really loved that even though this is a romance novel, there are other aspects to the book as well. First, there is the bond of friendship between the three characters – Milo, Saffie, and Tamara. Each one is so unique, but they all fit together perfectly as friends (and family). The other aspect of this book that I really enjoyed was that there was a twist. I usually read twists in thriller books, not in romance ones, so when the twist occurred, my mouth was left agape. The ONLY reason that I didn’t give this book 5 stars was the fact that the author took a bit to get to the point of the book – there was a lot of background in the beginning and I felt it could have been handled quicker.