A review by jonetta
Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti


Jennifer (The Book Nympho) and I teamed up for a joint review!

I've Got a Secret
Jonetta: Audrey can't tell Nate she's on his side because she wants to protect him. Puh-leeze! He's a killing machine!! Glad this didn't last too long.
Jennifer: I agree but really she loves him and wants to protect him. But yeah he's a stone-cold killer when he needs to be.

Money and Politics
Jonetta: Loved this combo for the story. I knew we could expect dirty dealing, backstabbing and somebody getting knocked off.
Jennifer: Most of the twists I saw coming but they were still written well and I really thought I knew who Audrey's dad was going to be but at last I was wrong. Unless it was another lie...

Mother of the Year!
Jennifer: Geez, Audrey's mom is a cold-hearted bitch! I wanted her to die.
Jonetta: I wanted her to become one of her test lab specimens! Epic fail as a mother.

There's a New Group in Play
Jennifer: What do you think of the new group, Protect? They might be on the opposite side as the Commander but they are just as nuts.
Jonetta: These groups never cease to amaze me. They all think their agendas justify the crazy. They both need to go down.

Commander Showdown
Jonetta: The most riveting part of the book. Didn't see it coming and it was a great moment.
Jennifer: Yeah but he didn't get the ending he needed. I'm sure he'll be around for the last book. If anyone could serve that it would be him.

And How About Karen White!
Jennifer: Karen does a great job with this series and the emotions that's written into the characters. She totally nailed Audrey's bitch of a mom.
Jonetta: Loved her performance! She nailed Mommie Dearest and brought the characters alive.

Hail or Fail?
Jennifer: Hail! BLIND FAITH is my favorite too. Seems each book and brother tops the last. Can't wait to see what Jory brings to the group.
Jonetta: Big hail! My favorite in the series to date. I think listening to the series makes a difference, too.

(We received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)