A review by angels_gp17
Drakon's Past by N.J. Walters


Intrigue. Betrayal. Action-packed.

Drakon’s Past is book four in the Blood of the Drakon series by N.J. Walters.

Nic, I liked him. He’s thinking about the eternal sleep and has lost interest in the world. If you have kept up with the series then you know that Nic has a very sad past and believes he was abound by the one person who is supposed to love and protect him unconditional. He’s not in a good place when Constance shows up in his life.

Constance has a gift for find unique artifacts that people leave behind. She’s also protective of her sister, her only family left, and will do anything to keep her safe.

The romance between Nic and Constance is ok. They both are attracted to each other at first meeting, but theirs too much at stack to give into that attraction. Even by the end I felt they still had things to work on; before their is true love.

One of the things I really like about this series is that the women who are mates to the Drakon all have some kind of unique ability. It’s captivating to learn about these abilities.

As for the storyline it moves forward, but not by much. We do learn a bit about the Dragon Guard and get the sense their maybe more information still to come. Their’s bad guys, magic, action and mating. What I loved most about this one was the surprise we get about Nic’s past. What he thought was true, wasn’t and this knowledge sets him free and brings someone new into his life; besides Constance.

I’m curious to see where this series goes from here. Will we meet more drakon’s? More bothers fighting back against the Knights of the Dragon? Who’s in the Dragon Guard? Lots of questions and possibilities.

Drakon’s Past was another astonishing and delightful read.

Rated: 4 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Entangled Publishing, LLC via NetGalley with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.
