A review by kewlshort1
Painless by Crystal Ash


I keep getting better and better

Each book seems to get better and better than the previous one. My main issue initially, was with Mari being a little ridiculous and too naïve. But she’s settled in to being the badass she should be. I love that Gunner finally quit fighting with himself, and joined their relationship. And the sexual tension with Shadow just keeps building! His character growth has been awesome to watch. I love getting the POV from each character, and how they each have such well-defined distinct personalities. This is definitely not one of the Rh stories where they’re all interchangeable with no defining characteristics. I also love how the dynamic keeps evolving so organically and naturally. There still the internal debating and insecurities, which makes it seem realistic, and nothing seems forced or just fake. There’s a little bit of magic mystery, but it’s not overt making it all seem like a paranormal story. It all feels believable and real. The story line is enough to keep you invested, and I’m anxious to see how this plays out next.