A review by cometreadings
The British Knight by Louise Bay


Since I first saw The British Knight’s cover and read the synopsis, I was really curious about it, and I was very happy to have the chance to read an ARC and discover a new author.

Unfortunately, I was expecting something different, and maybe also a more romantic storyline. I’ve never read Louise Bay’s novels, so my expectations were based only on this book’s synopsis.

I didn’t enjoy this book and the relationship between the main characters (Violet and Alexander) didn’t emotion me, but this probably depends on the description’s style which is far away from what I usually like. Moreover, I didn’t like that the story sometimes sounds a little bit a cliché.

On the contrary, I appreciate that The British Knight presents a dual narrative that I find a pleasant alternative to the typical narration because it lets the reader to perfectly know both Violet and Alexander points of view. Also, in this particular context, the dual narrative really helps the reader to understand the psychology of the characters, and better know the reasons behind their behaviors.

ARC provided by the author via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.