A review by daffz
Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray


This book surprised me in a good way. I was a little unsure about a romance between (essentially) a robot and a human, but I actually didn't mind it. Was it my favorite part of the book? No. There is definitely a part of me that thinks it would have been a lot more interesting as a platonic relationship. But I did enjoy a lot of the themes in this book, and thought it was a very fun read.

I had some some trouble with the start of this book, but that was mostly because I really couldn't always follow what the characters were doing and why. Sometimes it felt a little too obvious that a sideplot existed only because the author just needed two characters to be in a certain place for a while, but once I got used to the characters I stopped minding that so much. The 'twist' wasn't really too surprising, but I did really enjoy it even though I saw it coming. Abel's story was just very well written in my opinion, and I enjoyed Noemi's character too. I liked that we got to see both sides of the war between the planets and understand the motivation of both sides. It wasn't a black and white conflict, and I have a feeilng it'll be explored a lot more in the future.

I just don't really understand the ending.
SpoilerI get that it was supposed to be dramatic and a bit tragic, but was there any real reason Noemi couldn't bring Abel back to Genesis with her?

All in all, it was an amusing scifi book. Sometimes the reasons for characters having to travel certain places were flimsy, but the places they traveled to were very entertaining to read about so it's not hard for me to forgive that. The romance was a bit meh, but I did enjoy the slow build of the relationship. I just kind of wish it wasn't romantic in nature.