A review by mpetruce
The Secret Servant by Daniel Silva


Another entry in this series to pass the time. I didn't like this one as much as others. Gabriel's ability to take a massive beating, especially at his age, has been ratcheted up a bit too much this time around. And the dedication to saving the single hostage seems a bit forced (his other motivation -- stop several other terrorist operations planned in conjunction with the kidnapping that gets the story going -- is more persuasive). This was one also a bit lecture-y. Like, people having these lofty conversations on the way to the bathroom or something. I just don't think that people, even these people, would talk that way all the time.

The formula of "Bad thing happens, Gabriel responds to bad thing, he miraculously figures out the big twist behind the bad thing, kill the guys doing the bad thing(s), then the epilogue of quietly killing the lone puppet master" is starting to get a little tired.

But, still an enjoyable series to read. Also great, we get the return of Gabriel's team from the previous book. We kind of need them since Gabriel is getting old, I guess.