A review by meganac
My Darling Husband by Kimberly Belle


I loved Belle's Dear Wife, but My Darling Husband fell flat for me. The idea is a wife discovering shocking truths her husband had kept hidden, a premise handled much better in [b:Pretty Girls|25574782|Pretty Girls|Karin Slaughter|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1432205734l/25574782._SY75_.jpg|42937661]. Except in My Darling Husband, Jade discovers these truths while being held hostage, along with her children, in their home by a masked man demanding a ransom. It's a good idea, but it didn't draw me in and I just didn't care about the story. On top of that, Jade's stream-of-consciousness narration is irritatingly repetitive, to the point when I thought I'd abandon it if she stated how she was tied to a heavy chair once more. She is constantly talking back and forth with the invader, which killed the suspense for me.

Just okay.