A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
The Crowns of Croswald by D.E. Night


The Crowns of Croswald
Author: D.E. Night

I was asked by the publisher of this book series to write an review in exchange for a free Ebook.

The Crowns of Croswald is the first book in the The Crowns of Croswald series.

We meet Ivy Lovely who is our main character. Ivy lives a lonely live for a sixteen year old girl. Her life isn't special at all and her work as a scaldrony maid bores her. Suddenly sparkles of magic shine bright into Ivy her life. New paths introduce the young Ivy to a new magical world.

Magical surprises follow each other in rapid succession. Ivy get introduced to the lifestyle on a magical school named: The Walls of Ivy.

When the evil Queen threatens Ivy, her mission is to save her loved ones.
Can Ivy withstand all the secrets of her family tree?

The Crowns of Croswald is a middle grade fantasy series for childeren. I think that this series is very suitable for children above 10 years old. Not because it includes any aggressive topics, but the storyline can be a bit difficult to follow at some specific points.

I admire all the fantasy characters, and the world building.
At some points I found that the story shared to much similarities compared to Harry Potter. This distracted me from the storyline because it made me compare the both of them. I missed some originality.

I want to thank the publisher and the author for the free Ebook.