A review by thejourneyofmybooks
Girl Squads: 20 Female Friendships That Changed History by Sam Maggs


The term, "squad", in relation to friendships, was extremely overused a few years ago, but the theory behind it is empowering. Pitting women against each other is a favorite past time of mainstream media, but there are several stories of women banning together and making an impact on history.

In "Girl Squads", author Sam Maggs tells 20 brief stories about about women working together and making a better life for themselves and the women that come after them. Some of the stories are well known, most recently with the African-American women of NASA who calculated the numbers to send the first man to the moon to the story behind the 3 women who currently sit on the Supreme Court. But have you heard the story of the Edinburgh Seven, who were the first women accepted into medical school in the United Kingdom? The Patriotic Women's League of Iran, which was composed of Persian women who fought for equal rights? Or the work a group of women did in Antarctica?

The stories are short and concise, but with some more research, any of these stories could be a full fledged book just asking for a movie adaptation. This was a fun, interesting history read and you will walk away continuing to be in awe of women and their accomplishments.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a review.