A review by loverofromance
Breathless by Anne Stuart


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Breathless is a book I was really nervous and excited for, its the third book in the "House of Rohan" series by Anne Stuart. I was introduced to this series last year and I have just fallen in love with the slightly more erotic and gothic like feel to these books and these alpha reformed rakish heroes that this author writes. These books ARENT going to be for everyone. They are deep and packed with suspense and intricate sub plots and they are a bit edgier so if you looking for something fluffy...go the other way hehe but if you are always on the lookout for something with a bit more depth in a regency historical....grab up a Anne Stuart. These books are also narrated by a very talented narrator.

Breathless is book three in this fabulous series and the heroine of this book is the sister of the Rohan clan. She is much loved by her family, and this family is very close knit and support each other no matter what happens or what foolish decisions they make. Our heroine, Miranda, is seduced and then forced up to Gretna Green, but before he can make any marriage happen, she is no longer a virgin thanks to his forceful actions but she manages to escape but doesn't tell her family the real truth. But now she is disgraced in the eyes of society and is considered an outcast. She lives on her own, with her own money and independence. She decides that she wants to be daring so she ventures to a party by the Heavenly Hosts and there she meets up with Lucien who is also known as the "Scorpion". We also have a side to side love story with her friend Jane who meets up with a infamous jewel thief. Jane is engaged to a man that is boring and dull but respectable but she yearns for adventure and passion and has a stolen kiss from a thief who puts on a diamon ring on her finger that she is unable to get off her finger.

Our hero Lucien, has a plan for revenge against losing his sister and he blames the Rohan family and he wants his revenge to be sweet. So he plans on seducing Miranda and having her become his wife and to send her to his estate in the north where she will be away fromo anything or anyone she loves including her family. But Lucien doesn't realize that Miranda will be a fitting mate for him. Matching him for wills and wits and will also soften the ice around his heart. But will his plan for revenge be worth losing what he has gained with Miranda?
This man was truly like a scorpion, a poisonous sting when one least expected it.

What a fabulous and well written story and even though it does have its flaws, I simply adored seeing the book evolve the way that it does in this one. What we have in this book is a story that won't be for everyone to enjoy. Its a bit darker than you normally find in historical romance and most especially with a regency theme. It does have a more sensual quality to it and these books do display more darker heroes than your normally find even for a rake. But I actually find these books entertaining and refreshing from the norm of the regency romance that is so common now. This story is one of revenge but we also have a sweet side story that I dearly loved....Jane's story. I was definitely rooting for her and her jewel thief because boy they won my heart from the first chapter. I couldn't wait to see how they would end up together and I actually was just as invested in their story as I was Lucien/Miranda's story and they are told side by side because of the event timeline and it really works. I really have admired the way that Anne Stuart writes her books like this, and it works for me. Of course, I will warn you, if you listen to this book, it does take a few chapters before you are fully into it, but you will become sucked into this book and the bantering and sexy times that are put in.
"My hair covers my scarring."

"But we've agreed that no one notices your scarring once they're around you. You woo them like a big, fat hairy black spider, and no matter how much they struggle they're helpless."

"For some reason I can't quite imagine a spider wooing."

The other downside to this book is the ending, I was admit the ending was so disappointing in a way. I kinda felt like it was way too abrupt and wanted more with the ending especially with how it climaxes in the end for Lucien and Miranda. So I definitely expected more. However, despite the ending that wasn't my favorite, the story was well worth the listen. I had a fun time listening, this book had me laughing and it gave me a few tears too, but it also proved to be a provacative read that leaves you hungering for more from this author!! A TASTY DELIGHT!!

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