A review by kindlebabe
Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing by Jessa Hastings


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ //5

Daisy Haites: The Great Undoing
by Jessa Hastings


I want to thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for giving me the opportunity to read an e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

GAHHH, this book…Jessa….these stories—they just keep getting better. I loved the hell out of this book. Just take all my stars and while you’re at it just take my heart, it’s already a mess. I love that we are given multiple POV’s, I love that this book left me very unwell and very sad and wanting more. I loved the characters and how Jessa writes with such description and makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story, that they are IN the story. I bow down literally. The way that you can related to just about every single character is perfection. Don’t make me pick a favorite character because honestly I will not and I refuse, but I do not care much for Tiller, nope sorry everybody. This book ended right after it ripped my heart to shreds and left me a mess on the floor and now I have to wait for the next one to pick me up and put me back together. I will forever be a Jessa Hastings fan through and through and always recommend all the books!!