A review by uwaisrseedat
Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky


Doestoevesky's guide on how to destroy one's self.
Be petty.
Do out of spite, malice, loathing and sorrow.
Hate everyone but most importantly hate yourself the most
Believe you are far above everyone and anyone you meet should be gracious of your presence.
Take pleasure in the false notion the world is trying to be against you and that you are the underdog who must prove them all wrong only proving that you're hypersensitive to people who have no care.
Be distant and cold once you finally find people who can put up with your nonsense.
Pretend you do not need anyone.
everyone thinks badly of you and you reply like that and then it shall manifest into reality.
If someone sees you weakened or in need of help and once they pity you, you are overcome with vengeance how dare they pity ME.
Slander others for moral depravity and yet be the least righteous of them all(to be fair he knew he was a dog).
Never accept help or companionship.
Act hard for inside you are just a bottomless pit of nothing.
Be overly sensitive to the opinions of others.
Take criticism as an attack.
Be proud even when it's against your best interest.
Let every small matter get to you.
Never humble yourself and acknowledge your crowd and find similar interests rather dismiss them and belittle them to barbarians.
Have knowledge but no wisdom.
Fall into desires and claim other external circumstances were at fault.
Do a morally righteous act and then resent it with all your heart (even if it came out of a place of hate it could have borne fruit and made you a better person).
Believe in your delusions to the extent you make it your all or nothing.
Rather than acknowledging the bad in this world shut yourself off from it in turn also shutting out the good.
Be obsessed with ambivalence and constantly vacillate
Believe relations should succumb to dominance and submission.
Be emotionless and cruel when berating others so it seems you are speaking truths.
Never let others see you in an emotionally weakened state.
Seek companionship in those whom you showed your amnesty and when they are indifferent to you resent them.