A review by bookedeverynight
Lie by Natalia Jaster


ARC received from the author in exchange for an honest review. 

Having loved Trick, and enjoyed Dare, I was super excited to jump into this book and I was not disappointed. Full of fairytale goodness, I adored the writing, plot and characters in this story, and was full to the brim of happiness when I finished. 

My thoughts:

This book is the third book in the Foolish Kingdoms with this series quickly becoming one of my favourites. I absolutely adored Trick when it came out and often find myself rereading it in moments where I need comfort, and I enjoyed Dare last year when it came out. When I heard there was a third book in this series, I was a bit apprehensive but pleased when I got given an ARC to review. There was absolutely no need to be apprehensive. 

Lie was an amazing book. 

Natalia Jaster does a phenomenal job in the world of the Foolish Kingdoms. Separated into Seasons, this story is based in Autumn, where there are different and familiar characters sprinkled throughout the story. I loved it being based in Autumn and it extending the world that the characters knew and lands they don't. As the reader you discover it along with them, and the journey it takes you on is cyclical and adventurous, keeping you guessing from the very beginning to the very end. 

This story follows Aspen, a timber-girl - a Pinocchio inspired character - and the honest First Knight, Aire. Told from the first-person perspectives of Fantasy and Honesty, you really get to see into the characters and see how the characters progress and change throughout the plot. I really loved Aspen's character - she's loud and abrasive but struggles with so many things like who she is and where's she's come from; and Aire's character is so complex and wonderful, struggling with a pain he can't move on from. Neither of them are perfect, they both make mistakes and say the wrong thing to each other but the chemistry between the two of them? You can feel it through the pages (or the Kindle in my case.) It's one of the best hate-love stories I've read. 

I loved the reappearance of Poet, Nicu and Briar in this book, my favourites from the first book in the series. Nicu is a key character in this story as he moves the plot along and I love that despite the years it's been since Trick, the characters are the same yet different too. Poet and Briar steal every scene that they are on the page, and I really loved learning more about Nicu and Lyrik, a character I wasn't expecting to like, but now must know more about. 

The writing is gorgeous and lyrical - Aire and Aspen have such different voices as you read. It truly feels like you are in a fairytale world, and are completely swept into the tale. The beginning was a bit hard for me to get into, but once the story left the city of Autumn, I was enthralled, desperately wanting to know more. What I felt Dare lacked, this book brought in force - it's enchanting and magical and enthralling. 

This book tackles themes of love, loss, belonging, mental illness, family and so much more. It's a gorgeous novel that leaves you wanting more - more of the world, more of the romance, and more of the characters. I can't wait to see how the author concludes the series with the next book, Dream. 

Recommended for: fantasy lovers, romance lovers, anyone who loves a hate-to-love story. This story has a lot of smut (a lot) so best to avoid if you don't like that, or if under 17. 


"You own the soil and drink the sun."

"Nestled in blankets, Nicu whispered, "Hug the stars, Aspen." "Goodnight to you too."

"I am inconsistent in your presence."

"Poet's green eyes cartwheeled between us. "Enemies to lovers." HIs face swung toward the princess. "This looks familiar."

"If it were that simple it wouldn't be love."

"There are thousands of shades of love, each one occurring at its own pace. For some, the greatest of emotions can take years to blossom, or mere days, for there is no rule -" he smirker, "-or rhyme." He mused, "Is that not what makes every love story tried and true? Be that story foolish, dangerous, or dishonest?"

I love it when you get sent a book to review, and you honestly love it so much you want to read it again immediately. I will definitely be purchasing a copy of this book as soon as I can.