A review by christiana
Prep School Confidential by Kara Taylor


I think the cover of this one does the novel a disservice. It looks light and fluffy, but it's quite a bit more than that. This really works as a mystery: it's possibly one of the best YA mysteries I've read. Although there were suspicious characters and tons of suspects, it was in no way formulaic. Almost all Anne's reasoning and decisions made total sense to me
Spoiler (except the whole "I'll respect Isabella's privacy since she locked things in this password protected case, at least for now." Come on, Anne, you'll snoop everywhere else for evidence, but that's the line? No.)
which I can't say for most mysteries/YA novels. Our protag even reminded me of one of my library teens, so that's impressive.

Unfortch, the love triangle felt a little forced to me. For me, neither of these guys feels like a prize or even has chemistry with our protag. And Anthony pulls a Jess when he
Spoiler gets all "don't act like you know me" when Anne wants to know if he really stole stuff from his sister and walks away from her after coming back just to see/talk/smooch our protag again.
Christiana is not buying it, PSC. NOT BUYING IT. But maybe I'm just burnt out on love triangles because WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE CAUGHT IN LOVE TRIANGLES?

I just googled "real life love triangles" and ok, fine, I guess it's a real thing for people, but it cannot possibly happen as much as it happens in fiction.

I probs will not continue with this series because the next one is not out yet and not available as a review copy. Let's be real, I will forget all about the next one by the time March(when it's due out) rolls around .