A review by jaimejustreadsromance
Sinful Love by Lauren Blakely


I've been waiting for this series conclusion with bated breath since the very first book.

I love how, with each new book, a new puzzle piece was revealed leaving me longing (see what I did there) for the complete picture. Usually the love story is the main attraction for me when reading books but with this series the romance almost took second place to the mystery side of it. I couldn't wait to see how everything came together and to find out once and for all who was responsible for the murder of Thomas Paige-Prince.

While Colin remains my favorite Sloan brother, Michael gave him run for his money with the whole yearning for one woman his whole life and what with all that sexy French he learned. Of course it wouldn't be a Lauren Blakely book without a strong heroine and that's exactly what we get with Annalise. I especially appreciate that Lauren made Annalise faithful to her heart and that she didn't disregard the life she had while she was apart from Micael once he was back in the picture. While it was hard to swallow at times, it felt more authentic for who Annalise really was.
This was the perfect conclusion to this series, full of twists and turns that had me even shedding a few tears. The epilogue was exactly what I needed to walk away from the series completely satisfied and ready for whatever Lauren has in store for us next.

*I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review