A review by murderbot42
Ten Steps to Nanette: A Memoir Situation by Hannah Gadsby


Eh, this is why I don't read memoirs. Don't get me wrong. It was good! It was very, very good! But learning too much about a famous person's life is always a sketchy business. You're always going to learn something you didn't want to know and they're going to have opinions that you bounce off of. Thankfully that happened only very minimally in this book, so that's why I say it's very, very good!

And the parts that worked for me. Wow. Just wow. The part where she
kind of skipped over the sexual abuse she received at the hands of an unknown adult resonated with me so much. When she talked about reason she didn't bring up that subject more and make it front and center; it's because when you are in that situation, it's the last thing you want to do. You know on some level that this is wrong and your abuser has told you not to talk about it, and so you don't. You bury it deep inside until it almost seems you might forget about it.
When she said that I literally and actually broke down sobbing, she cut so close to the truth bone with that one.

Recommended for: Everyone honestly. Despite her saying some things I vehemently disagree with, we are all human and have all erred. Despite that content, if you have watched and enjoyed Nanette, it would be a crime not to read this. And if you haven't watched Nanette, what the fuck are you doing with your life, dude? Get on that!

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