A review by littlelionslibrary
The Knockout Queen by Rufi Thorpe


~Full review on my blog at littlelionlibrary.wordpress.com~

“Being true to yourself, even if it makes everyone hate you, even if it makes people want to kill you, is the most radical form of liberty, and when you make contact with something as electric and terrifying as the unadorned truth of yourself, it burns away so many other smaller forms of bondage that you weren’t even aware of, so you find yourself irradiated and unencumbered.”

I give this book it’s well-deserved 4 out of 5 stars. Points are docked due to the fact that I genuinely found it hard to focus at times but I loved this book. It is real, it is emotional, it is raw, and ugly, and beautiful, all at the same time. The book, at it’s core, is about how fear changes you. Thorpe is an absolute genius writer and the way the characters feel so real and tangible is a talent all on it’s own. This book is one that will stick with me long after I’ve moved on to other books, other stories, other worlds, and I will hold Michael and Bunny in my heart until my dying day.