A review by opalthegembookreviews
Second True Love by Vikki Jay


Second True Love - Vikki Jay (3 Stars!)

second chance at love, age gap, single-parent, grumpy-sunshine
"I am in, I am all in"
Keith and his teenage daughter Merida are barely making It by 10 years after Keith's wife's sudden passing Keith is still desperately holding on to his deceased wife like she never left until he gets an offer from a colleague needing a short term rental for his little sister Clementine.

Clementine was offered her dream job as a designer for the top fashion company in St. Peppers the only problem is making her career dreams equal in the eyes of her family who believe anyone with the Hawthorne name would never be a "seamstress" and now with the weight of her father's will on her shoulders Clem has to take a risk at making it on her own or be married by 25 and back under her mother's grasp.

Living in the possession of luxury her entire life Clem is out to strike on her own and with the help of Merida and reluctant Keith, Clem will experience life and maybe a little more for the first time.

I was so eager to get my hands on Clem's book Second Chance at Love is a truly sweet story and I got into it as though I'd never been apart from it however, I'm giving 3 stars because I found some things throughout the story for me had loose ends and I couldn't pin-point time periods between where Zach's story took place and where Clem's began when I felt that Clem's came right at the end of Rose's. another thing was that the steam level was different than Rose's series which fits perfectly for Clem/Keith's story but didn't meet my expectations of what I was hoping for with an age-gap. I thought Merida and Clem's bond was the true soul of this story (plus the mention of a full Gilmore Scene!! Vikki you know how to get me!) and what kept me cheerfully awaiting their happy ending together I can't wait to see Zach's story and where this series goes next.