A review by ljrinaldi
Hide and Geek by T.P. Jagger


Mysteries are supposed to be something that you can solve, while you read the book, despite any red herrings that might be thrown in the way. You should be able to at least try to guess where each clue went.

However this book, each clue was like a foreign tongue which I had never heard before, and I had no idea where any of them lead.

And at a certain point I didn't really care.

I should have cared.

The story is about four friends whose initials spell out Geek. They live in a small town whose main industry was making toys, but the company has been sold, and there go all the jobs. However, the original owner left a series of clues for anyone who really knew the town, to solve, and amass a fortune.

I tried to care. I tried really hard, but despite the narrator going on and on about how she didn't want to move to Boston, I thought it might be actually more interesting than this one horse town.

The clues were not anything that the reader could have solved, so they are just along for the ride.

Not my idea of a good time.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.