A review by snigdha12
Broken Angels by Richard K. Morgan


A disappointing sequel

This felt more like an independent novel rather than a sequel to altered carbon. The first book was a futuristic crime noir, this is more war expedition adventure story. The starting of the book was dull, it felt forced and strained. Kovacs, Jan, Wardani (an archaelog) and corporate executive form a team to go on a expedition to discover a martian artifact, a gate that allows you to do intergalactic travel. The only interesting and engrossing part was the team crosses the gate and enters a martian warship. The discoveries they made there seemed insufficient. If you're book is based on discovering martian artifacts then you might as well explain what exactly happened. There's no eureka moment there. The only climax that actually develops into fruition is finding out who is the rat.
This book did not have any of the Kovacs wit that the first book had, and had very little of the envoy detective skills.

I would only recommend reading it if you're a die hard fan of the series. Otherwise, the first book is enough.