A review by casreads
Soul Stalker by Laura Kreitzer


After coming back from the dead, everything else in life should be a piece of cake - but things are never that simple when you're the Illuminator. With nowhere else to turn, Gabriella shows up on Joseph's front porch in desperate need of his and the FBI's help to save her Angels and the entire Timeless world. Unfortunately, Gabriella soon discovers that nothing is what it seems and her beloved Angels are in more danger than she could ever have imagined. When the Timeless go to war, can anyone survive?
 One of the greatest things about this series is the casual narrative style, which makes the novel feel very authentic and personal. Yet, Soul Stalker seems to have lost some of the perfect flow and pacing that the first novel possessed. The writing is still excellent in the tense action scenes, though, only slipping in some of the especially emotional moments. Though the flow is off, Soul Stalker still tells a captivating story filled with lovable characters. In this novel, Kreitzer introduces one of my personal favorite characters thus far in the series, without resorting to the tired love triangle trope, bringing to life a mysterious, yet endearing man who keeps Gabriella on her toes. Readers may miss the self-sufficient, powerful Gabriella from the first novel, but her emotional vulnerability is touching and bittersweet. Her vulnerability reveals a new facet of her complex character, while still allowing for the hope that her strength and power will return in book three. Soul Stalker also greatly develops the fascinating and original mythology that began in the first novel, adding startling and fearsome new characters and an intricate angel hierarchy. The imagery in this novel is beautiful and there are moments when the metaphors are indescribably brilliant. After a slow start, the novel picks up the pace and turns into a heart-pounding rollercoaster ride, ending on a cliffhanger that will leave readers stunned.