A review by bluebeereads
Broken Gates by D.T. Dyllin


This review is also up on my blog, along with the cover reveal: Bookaddict Bieke

*I received a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review as a beta reader.*

You know that feeling when you read a sequel to a book and you just know how it's going to end? I certainly do and I hate it. This book was the opposite. Everytime I thought I knew how it was going to go, it didn't. This is one of the most unpredictable sequels I have ever read and that is a really good thing because this book was AWESOME!

Usually a sequel starts slow, retelling the events from the previous book and all that, this one didn't. It started off with a bang and the action was there from the first page to the last. The characters grew and developed, the story twists and grows more and more complicated. And it didn't end the way I wanted it too. Not at all. Seriously. Just when I thought it would, D.T. just throws another twist in my face. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME D.T.? Why do you leave me hanging with that end? You better write that sequel fast or else... (Probably nothing, but just write the damn sequel because I want to know what happens next.)

Since I am a beta reader (yeah, D.T. asked me, cool huh? (Yeah I'm a dork) Again, thank you for asking me D. I really am honored), I will not give away any spoilers because that would just ruin the book for you guys. You'll just have to wait and see why I'm so happy and frustrated at the same time.

This sequel was everything I expected and more. So much more. D., you're a very talented and brilliant writer and I hope you'll never stop writing. That's why this book deserves a spot on my best-books-ever shelf next to the first book in this series.

That's all I have to say for now. Oh and D.T., I didn't see any typos, but I have to admit I wasn't really paying attention to that so I could be wrong. :P The awesomeness (yes that's a word, at least in my dictionary) of this book distracted me from that.

I will post this review on my blog as soon as the cover is ready and revealed (maybe I can do a cover reveal on my blog? *hint hint*).